
  • Ю. Ахтемійчук
  • Ю. Товкач

Ключові слова:

стравохідно-шлунковий перехід; анатомія; людина


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вохідно-шлункового переходу зумовлюють потребу в подальшій науковій розробці цього питання.


Reva VB, Grebenyuk VI, Alekseenko AA, Korovenkov AG. Nekotorye aspekty razvitiya reflyuks-ezofagita u bol'nykh s gryzhami pishchevodnogo otverstiya diafragmy [Some aspects of the development of reflux esophagitis in patients with hiatal hernia]. Vestnik khirurgii. 2001;4:14-5. (in Russian).

Miroshnikov BI, Labazanov MM, Pavelets KV, Kalivo EA. Metodika formirovaniya zheludochnogo transplantanta dlya ezofagoplastiki [Technique for the formation of a gastric transplant for esophagoplasty]. Vestnik khirurgii. 1995;2:24-8. (in Russian).

Miasoiedov SD. Refliuksna khvoroba stravokhodu [Reflux disease of the esophagus] [abstract]. Kiev; 2003. 31 p. (in Ukrainian).

Korolev MP. Diagnosticheskie vozmozhnosti fibroendoskopii u detey pervogo goda zhizni [Diagnostic capabilities of fibroendoscopy in children of the first year of life]. Vestnik khirurgii. 1991;7-8:65. (in Russian).

Svintsits'kyi AS, Dzeman MI, Shylo PV. Hastroezofaheal'na refliuksna khvoroba yak aktual'na problema suchasnoi klinichnoi praktyky [Gastroesophageal reflux disease as an urgent problem of modern clinical practice]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi chasopys. 1999;5:50-5. (in Ukrainian).

Bairov VG, Privorotskiy VF, Azizov BD. Diagnostika i lechenie gastroezofageal'nogo reflyuksa u detey [Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in children]. Vestnik khirurgii. 1999;3:38-41. (in Russian).

Stepanov EA, Krasovskaya TV, Kucherov YuI. Lechenie gastroezofageal'nogo reflyuksa u novorozhdennykh [Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in newborns]. Pediatric Surgery. 1998;1:4-7. (in Russian).

Bulynin VI, Parkhisenko YuA. Areflyuksnyy pishchevodno-zheludochnyy anastomoz [Areflux esophageal-gastric anastomosis]. Surgery. 1997;6:64-5. (in Russian).

Chernousov AF, Shestakov AL. Khirurgicheskoe lechenie reflyuks-ezofagita i pepticheskoy striktury pishchevoda [Surgical treatment of reflux esophagitis and peptic esophageal stricture]. Surgery. 1998;5:4-8. (in Russian).

Bartolotti M, Sarti P, Brunelli E. Abnormal esophagocardiac inhibirory reflexin patients with diffuse esophageal spasm. Digestion. 1995;56(6):488-92.

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Fedorov LE, Volkov AV. Endoskopiya v lechenii striktur pishchevodno-zheludochnykh i pishchevodno-kishechnykh anastomozov [Endoscopy in the treatment of strictures of the esophageal-gastric and esophageal-intestinal anastomoses]. Vestnik khirurgii. 2001;6:105. (in Russian).

Miroshnikov BI, Pavelets KV, Anan'ev NV. Rezektsiya grudnogo otdela pishchevoda kak metod lecheniya akhalazii kardii [Resection of the thoracic esophagus as a method of treating cardia achalasia]. Vestnik khirurgii. 2001;6:105-6. (in Russian).

Andreeshchev SA, Myasoedov SD, Kondratenko PN. Diagnostika i khirurgicheskoe lechenie vtorichnoy reflyuksnoy bolezni pishchevoda [Diagnosis and surgical treatment of secondary esophageal reflux disease]. Klinichna khirurhiia. 2001;1:8-11. (in Russian).

Bairov VG. Diagnostika i lechenie gastroezofageal'nogo reflyuksa u detey [Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in children]. Vestnik khirurgii. 1999;3:38-41. (in Russian).

Kolesnikov LL. Sfinkternyy apparat cheloveka [Human sphincter apparatus]. St. Petersburg: SpetsLit; 2000. 184 p. (in Russian).

Nazyrov FG, Akilov KhA, Mansurov AA. Taktika lecheniya krovotecheniya iz varikoznykh ven gastroezofageal'nogo kollektora u bol'nykh s tsirrozom pecheni, oslozhnennym portal'noy gipertenziey [Treatment tactics for bleeding from varicose veins of the gastroesophageal collector in patients with liver cirrhosis complicated by portal hypertension]. Vestnik khirurgii. 2002;3:81-3. (in Russian).

Rachkevych LV. Stan stravokhidno-shlunkovoho anastomozu pislia odnomomentnoi ezofahohastroplastyky v eksperementi [The state of the esophagogastric anastomosis after one-stage esophagogastroplasty in the experiment]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;1(Suppl.):49. (in Ukrainian).

Lagoda AE, Dudenko VG, Svirepo PV. Khirurgicheskoe lechenie yazvennoy bolezni dvenadtsatiperstnoy kishki, sochetayushcheysya s nedostatochnost'yu zamykatel'noy funktsii pishchevodno-zheludochnogo perekhoda [Surgical treatment of duodenal ulcer, combined with insufficiency of the closure function of the esophageal-gastric junction]. Klinichna khirurhiia. 1994;8:15-8. (in Russian).

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Maslov VI. Metodika nalozheniya invaginatsionnykh pishchevodno-kishechnykh i pishchevodno-zheludochnykh anastomozov [The technique of imposing invagination esophageal-intestinal and esophageal-gastric anastomoses]. Surgery. 2002;2:14-7. (in Russian).

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Kornieiev BI. Stan nyzhn'oho stravokhidno-shlunkovoho sfinktera u khvorykh z khronichnym nekal'kul'oznym kholetsystytom za danymy dobovoho monitorynhu rN [The condition of the lower esophageal and gastric sphincter in patients with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis according to daily pH monitoring]. Medical Practice. 1997;7-8:124-5. (in Ukrainian).

Sumin VV, Toroptsev DA, Zhizhin FS. Khirurgicheskaya korrektsiya i profilaktika reflyuks-ezofagita [Surgical correction and prevention of reflux esophagitis]. Surgery. 1998;10:30-3. (in Russian).

Rusyn VI, Rusyn AV, Boldizhar PO. Khirurhichne likuvannia retsedyvnykh krovotech pry povnii okliuzii systemy voritnoi veny [Surgical treatment of recurrent bleeding with complete occlusion of the portal vein]. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Medical Series. 2003;19:46-9. (in Ukrainian).

Peresta YuIu. Ekstrenni roz'iednuiuchi operatsii v likuvanni ta profilaktytsi hastroezofaheal'nykh krovotech u khvorykh na tsyroz pechinky [Emergency disconnection operations in the treatment and prevention of gastroesophageal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis]. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Medical Series. 2003;19:32-5. (in Ukrainian).

Holloway RH, Penagini R, Ireland AC. Criteria for objective definition of transient lower esophageae sphincter relaxation. Am. J. Physiol. 1995;268(1):128-33.

Kolesnikov LL. Anatomotopograficheskie issledovaniya sfinktera pishchevodno-zheludochnogo perekhoda u chelovkka [Anatomical topographic studies of the sphincter of the esophageal-gastric junction in humans]. Archives of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. 1990;98(3):76-84. (in Russian).

Saks FF. Atlas topograficheskoy anatomii novorozhdennogo [Atlas of topographic anatomy of the newborn]. Мoscow: Meditsina; 1993. 239 p. (in Russian).

Parshin MM. Vozrastnaya anatomiya gemomikrotsirkulyatornogo rusla myshechnoy obolochki na urovne pishchevodno-zheludochnogo perekhoda u cheloveka [Age anatomy of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the muscular membrane at the level of the gastroesophageal junction in humans]. Morphology. 1997;111(3):50-2. (in Russian).

Baytinger VF. Nizhniy pishchevodnyy sfinkter, ego stroenie i funktsiya v norme i pri funktsional'noy neprokhodimosti kardii pishchevaritel'no trakta [The lower esophageal sphincter, its structure and function are normal and with functional obstruction of the cardia of the digestive tract]. Tomsk; 1994. 152 p. (in Russian).

Reva VB. Topografo-anatomіchne obgruntuvannya plastiki dіafragmi z privodu dіafragmal'nikh grizh [Topographic and anatomical substantiation of diaphragm plastics for diaphragmatic hernias]. Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 2003;2(1):41-5. (in Ukrainian).

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Kolesnikov LL. Zavisimost' struktury zamykatel'nogo ustroystva pishchevodnozheludochnogo perekhoda ot formy zheludka cheloveka [Dependence of the structure of the closing device of the esophageal-gastric junction on the shape of the human stomach]. Morphology. 1993;105(9-10):96. (in Russian).

Bondar' VG, Popovich AYu, Polivanov AK, Nikulin IV. Reflyuks-ezofagit i rubtsovyy stenoz muftoobraznogo pishchevodno-tonkokishechnogo anastomoza posle vypolneniya gastrektomii po povodu raka zheludka [Reflux esophagitis and cicatricial stenosis of the muff-shaped esophageal-small intestinal anastomosis after gastrectomy for gastric cancer]. Klinichna khirurhiia. 1998;1:30-7. (in Russian).

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Bartolotti M, Sarti P, Brunelli E. Abnormal esophagocardiac inhibirory reflexin patients with diffuse esophageal spasm. Digestion. 1995;56(6):488-92.

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