
  • А. Іринчин
  • O. Боднар
  • B. Литвинюк

Ключові слова:

гідронефроз; вторинний пієлонефрит; діагностика; діти


У статті наведені відомості щодо особливостей діагностики природженого гідронефрозу та вторинного пієлонефриту у дітей.


Dovlatyan AA. Korrektsiya stenoza lokhanochno-mochetochnikovogo segmenta po Kuchere: tekhnika operatsii i rezul'taty [Kuchera ureteropelvic stenosis correction: surgery technique and results]. Urologiya. 2005;2:10-7. (in Russian).

Krasovskaya TV, Levitskaya MV, Golodenko NV, Menovshchikova LBYu, Kovarskiy SL, Sidorova LF, et al. Diagnosticheskie kriterii funktsional'nogo i organicheskogo porazheniya lokhanochno-mochetochnikovogo segmenta u novorozhdennykh [Diagnostic criteria for functional and organic lesions of the ureteropelvic segment in newborns]. Pediatric Surgery. 2002;2:17-26. (in Russian).

Gel'dt VG, Dongak AA, Ol'khova EB, Zlygareva NV. Pieloektaziya novorozhdennykh i grudnykh detey [Pyelectasis of newborns and infants]. Pediatric Surgery. 2000;2:22-6. (in Russian).

Martov AG, Gushchin BL, Ergakov DV, Chernov NA, Salyukov RV, Serebryanyy SA, et al. Endotomiya v lechenii striktur verkhnikh mochevyvodyashchikh putey [Endotomy in the treatment of strictures of the upper urinary tract]. Urologiya. 2002;5:39-44. (in Russian).

Gel'dt VG, Rostovskaya VV. Gidronefroz novorozhdennykh i grudnykh detey –sochetannost' i posledovatel'nost' diagnosticheskikh priemov [Hydronephrosis of newborns and infants - the combination and sequence of diagnostic techniques]. Pediatric Surgery. 2001;4:20-3. (in Russian).

Magomedov AD, Gadzhimirzaev GA, Patakhov SP, Balaev VB, Abasov MN. Lechenie novorozhdennykh s gidronefrozom [Treatment of newborns with hydronephrosis]. Pediatric Surgery. 2004;6:16. (in Russian).

Golod EA, Kirpatovskiy VI. Povyshenie aktivnykh form kisloroda kak odna iz prichin narusheniya metabolizma v kletkakh pochechnykh kanal'tsev u bol'nykh ostrym i khronicheskim pielonefritom [An increase in reactive oxygen species as one of the causes of metabolic disorders in the cells of the renal tubules in patients with acute and chronic pyelonephritis]. Urologiya. 2003;1:59-61. (in Russian).

Golodenko NV, Krasovskaya TV, Levitskaya MV, Gurevich AI, Fedin AV. Pieloektaziya novorozhdennykh – samostoyatel'naya nozologicheskaya edinitsa [Pyelectasis of the newborn - an independent nosological unit]. Pediatric Surgery. 2003;6:16-9. (in Russian).

Golovanov SA, Yanenko EK, Khodyreva LA. Diagnosticheskoe znachenie pokazateley fermenturii, perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov i ekskretsii srednemolekulyarnykh toksinov pri khronicheskom pielonefrite [Diagnostic value of fermenturia, lipid peroxidation and excretion of molecular weight toxins in chronic pyelonephritis]. Urologiya. 2001;6:3-6. (in Russian).

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Rostovskaya VV, Kazanskaya IV, Babanin IL, Orlikovskiy OV. Klinicheskoe znachenie profilometrii pieloureteral'nogo segmenta pri vrozhdennom gidronefroze u detey [Clinical significance of profilometry of the pyelourethral segment in congenital hydronephrosis in children]. Urologiya. 2003;2:46-50. (in Russian).

Nikolaev VV, Abdulaev FK, Kozyrev GV. Proksimal'naya ureterokutaneostomiya v lechenii tyazhelykh form gidroureteronefroza u detey [Proximal ureterocutaneostomy in the treatment of severe forms of hydroureteronephrosis in children]. Pediatric Surgery. 2005;2:4-7. (in Russian).

Pugachev AG, Kudryavtsev YuV, Martov AG, Lisenok AA. Endoskopicheskaya korrektsiya neyromyshechnoy displazii mochetochnika u detey [Endoscopic correction of neuromuscular ureter dysplasia in children]. Urologiya. 2005;1:56-9. (in Russian).

Cheskis AL, Vinogradov VI. Printsipy operativnoy korrektsii vrozhdennykh porokov razvitiya lokhanochno-mochetochnikovogo i puzyrno-mochetochnikovogo segmentov u detey [Principles of operative correction of congenital malformations of the pelvis-ureteric and vesicoureteral segments in children]. Urologiya. 2000;2:34-7. (in Russian).

Sarychev LP. Laboratorna diahnostyka urosepsysu [Laboratory diagnosis of urosepsis]. Hospital Surgery. 2000;1:96-101. (in Ukrainian).

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Rostovskaya VV, Vishnevskiy EL, Sukhorukov EL. Vrozhdennyy gidronefroz u detey: vsegda li iskhod khirurgicheskogo lecheniya svyazan s anatomicheskimi izmeneniyami pieloureteral'nogo segmenta? [Congenital hydronephrosis in children: is the outcome of surgical treatment always associated with anatomical changes in the pyelourethral segment?]. Pediatric Surgery. 2003;4:28-32. (in Russian).

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Vozianov OF, Seimivs'kyi DA, Blikhar VIe. Vrodzheni vady sechovykh shliakhiv u ditei [Congenital malformations of the urinary tract in children]. Ternopil: Ukrmedknyha; 2000. 218 p. (in Ukrainian).






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