
  • Г. Костюк,
  • М. Кавун

Ключові слова:

пазухи твердої оболонки головного мозку; пазушно-венозні взаємовідношення


У статті узагальнені літературні дані про морфологічні особливості пазух твердої мозкової оболонки людини та пазушно-венозні взаємовідношення. Розглянуті варіанти будови пазух з урахуванням статі, віку, форми черепа. Визначені питання, які потребують подальшого вивчення.


Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA, Spryhin VV. Morfolohiia pazukh tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky liudyny [Morphology of the sinuses of the human dura mater]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2002;5(3):25-8. (in Ukrainian).

Arkhypovych AA, Soloshenko LV. Znachennia sudyn tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky v tsyrkuliatsii spynnomozkovoi ridyny [The value of the vessels of the dura mater in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(1):4-5. (in Ukrainian).

Tkachenko KD. Morfologicheskie osobennosti krupnykh sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Morphological features of the large sinuses of the dura mater]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;2(2):166-8. (in Russian).

Kovalenko IM. Sudynno-nervovi vzaiemovidnoshennia v tverdii obolontsi holovnoho mozku liudyny – aktual'ni pytannia morfolohii [Vascular-nervous relationships in the dura mater of the human brain - topical issues of morphology]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2003;6(5):78-9. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuN, Kovaleva IM. Istoriya izucheniya nervnogo apparata tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki cheloveka i zhivotnykh [The history of the study of the nervous apparatus of the dura mater of humans and animals]. In: Problemy ekolohichnoi ta medychnoi henetyky i klinichnoi imunolohii. Kyiv-Luhansk-Kharkiv; 2002. Issue 2(41). p. 278-94. (in Russian).

Timofeeva TV, Polunina IS, Shcherbakova EYa, Kulakova SV. Diagnostika povrezhdeniy venoznykh kollektorov mozga [Diagnosis of damage to the venous collectors of the brain]. Voenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal. 1997;318(5):26-34. (in Russian).

Smith ER, Buthler WE, Ogilvy CS. Surgical approaches to vascular anomalies of the child's drain. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 2002;15(2):165-71.

Benndorf G, Bender A, Lehmann R, Lanksch W. Transvenous occlusion of dural cavernous sinus fistulas through the thrombosed inferior petrosal sinus: report of four cases and review of the literature. J. Surg. Neurol. 2000;54(1):42-54.

Korzhan VA, Sprygin VV. Anatomo-eksperimental'noe obosnovanie serpovidnoy plastiki sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Anatomical and experimental substantiation of the crescent plasty of the sinuses of the dura mater]. In: Problemy ekolohichnoi ta medychnoi henetyky i klinichnoi imunolohii. Kyiv-Luhansk-Kharkiv; 2001. Issue 6(38). p. 225-31. (in Russian).

Vovk YuN, Vovk VYu. Morfometricheskoe obosnovanie podbora i primenenie shuntov dlya sinusov tverdoy obolochki mozga [Morphometric justification of the selection and application of shunts for the sinuses of the dura mater]. Morphology. 2000;117(3):31. (in Russian).

Krutsyak OV. Morfologicheskoe obosnovanie sposobov venoznoy plastiki pazukh tverdoy obolochki svoda cherepa [Morphological substantiation of venous plasty of the sinuses of the hard shell of the cranial vault]. In: Proceedings of the Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 85-letiyu Belorusskogo gos. med. un-ta. Aktual'nye problemy morfologii. Minsk; 2006. p. 86-7. (in Russian).

Hsu FP, Kuether N, Nesbit G, Barnwel SL. Dural sinus thrombosis endovascular therapy. Crit. Care Clin. 1999;15(4):743-53.

Houdard E, Chapot R, Merland JJ. Aneurism of dural sigmoid sinus: a novel vascular cause of pulsative tinnitus. Аnn. Neurol. 2000;48(4):669-71.

Vovk YuN, Fominykh TA. Anatomicheskie predposylki k tromboobrazovaniyu v mozgovykh sinusakh i venakh [Anatomical prerequisites for thrombosis in the cerebral sinuses and veins]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(5):201-4. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Korzhan VA. Udoskonalennia ta rozrobka khirurhichnykh instrumentiv dlia eksperymental'nykh doslidzhen' na obolonkakh holovnoho mozku [Improvement and development of surgical instruments for experimental research on the meninges]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2005;8(5):28-31. (in Ukrainian).

Fominykh TA. Osobennosti stroeniya sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki cheloveka v vozrastnom aspekte [Features of the structure of the sinuses of the dura in the human aspect]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2001;4(5):161-3. (in Russian).

Cherno VS, Khyl'ko YuK. Periodyzatsiia rozvytku pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku liudyny v ontohenezi [Periodization of the development of the sinuses of the dura mater of the human brain in ontogenesis]. Reports of Morphology. 2006;12(1):38-40. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Vynohradov OA, Andrieieva IV, Diachenko OP, Fominykh TA. Suchasni perspektyvy vyvchennia indyvidual'noi anatomichnoi minlyvosti intrakranial'noho sudynnoho baseinu [Modern prospects for studying the individual anatomical variability of the intracranial vascular basin]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi chasopys. 2002;5/6(3(29)):52-5. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk VIu. Osoblyvosti budovy synusiv tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky sklepinnia cherepa ta yikh znachennia dlia ratsional'noho shuntuvannia (anatomo-eksperymental'ne doslidzhennia) [Features of the structure of the sinuses of the dura mater of the skull and their significance for rational shunting (anatomical and experimental study)] [abstract]. Kharkiv; 2000. 20 p. (in Ukrainian).

Fominykh TA. Morfolohiia pazushno-venoznykh vzaiemovidnoshen' holovy liudyny [Morphology of axillary-venous relationships of the human head] [abstract]. Kharkiv; 2003. 36 p. (in Ukrainian).

Kornieieva MO. Morfolohichni vzaiemovidnosyny pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku osnovy cherepa z venoznymy spletenniamy oblychchia [Morphological relationships of the sinuses of the dura mater of the skull base with venous plexuses of the face] [abstract]. Kharkiv; 2007. 18 p. (in Ukrainian).

Krutsyak OV. Morfo- i antropometricheskie osobennosti sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki svoda cherepa [Morphological and anthropometric features of the sinuses of the dura mater of the cranial vault]. Bukovinian Medical Herald. 2006;10(2):93-5. (in Russian).

Fominykh TA. Morfologicheskie vzaimootnosheniya poverkhnostnykh ven golovnogo mozga i sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki cheloveka [Morphological relationships of superficial veins of the brain and sinuses of the dura]. Bukovinian Medical Herald. 2001;5(3-4):97-8. (in Russian).

Sprygin VV. Morfometricheskaya kharakteristika pryamogo sinusa tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki v zavisimosti ot individual'nogo stroeniya cherepa [Morphometric characteristic of the direct sinus of the dura mater depending on the individual structure of the skull]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2002;5(4):129-32. (in Russian).

Kovalenko OP. Morfolohichni osoblyvosti poperechnykh synusiv tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky ta yikh znachennia dlia rozrobky khirurhichnykh vtruchan' [Morphological features of the transverse sinuses of the dura mater and their significance for the development of surgical interventions]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(1 Suppl):27. (in Ukrainian).

Antoniuk OP. Formuvannia pecherystoi pazukhy ta hipofiza u prenatal'nomu periodi ontohenezu liudyny [Formation of the cavernous sinus and pituitary gland in the prenatal period of human ontogenesis]. Tavricheskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik. 2006;9(3 Pt 3):11-4. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA. Osoblyvosti krovopostachannia stinok pazukh tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky liudyny [Features of blood supply to the walls of the sinuses of the human dura mater]. Ukrains'kyi morfolohichnyi al'manakh. 2003;1(2):18-21. (in Ukrainian).

Tkachenko KD. Metodika izgotovleniya kompleksnykh korrozionnykh preparatov sosudov i subarakhnoidal'nogo prostranstva golovnogo mozga [Methods of manufacturing complex corrosion preparations of blood vessels and subarachnoid space of the brain]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(3):158-61. (in Russian).

Burykh MP. Sistema topograficheskikh koordinat tela cheloveka [The system of topographic coordinates of the human body]. Kharkov; 1991. 35 p. (in Russian).

Fominykh TA. Stereotopohrafiia pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku liudyny [Stereotopography of the sinuses of the dura mater of the human brain]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2002;5(5):182-4. (in Ukrainian).

Kim VI. Osobennosti rel'efnoy anatomii tverdoy obolochki golovnogo mozga na vnutrennem osnovanii cherepa [Features of the relief anatomy of the dura mater on the inner base of the skull]. Morphology. 2002;124(2-3):70. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA. Pazushno-venozni vzaiemovidnoshennia holovnoho mozku liudyny [Axillary-venous relationships of the human brain]. Ukrains'kyi morfolohichnyi al'manakh. 2003;1(1):16-20. (in Ukrainian).

Sprygin VV. Anatomo-eksperimental'noe obosnovanie i razrabotka plastiki pryamogo sinusa tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Anatomical and experimental justification and development of plastics of the direct sinus of the dura mater]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2002;5(5):130-1. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA. Diapazon rozmiriv synusiv, utvoriuiuchykh synusnyi stik [The range of sizes of the sinuses forming a sinus drain]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(1 Suppl):11. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA. Osoblyvosti vnutrishn'oi budovy synusiv tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky [Features of the internal structure of the dura mater sinuses]. Bukovinian Medical Herald. 2001;5(1-2):35-7. (in Ukrainian).

Levochko LI. Rentgenologicheskoe i anatomicheskoe sravnenie poverkhnostnykh mozgovykh ven v svyazi s khirurgiey parasagittal'noy oblasti mozga [X-ray and anatomical comparison of superficial cerebral veins in connection with surgery of the parasagittal region of the brain]. Morphology. 1995;108(2):67-9. (in Russian).

Kim VI. Morfologicheskiy analiz epidural'noy kletchatki vnutrennego osnovaniya cherepa i ee prikladnoe znachenie [Morphological analysis of epidural fiber of the inner base of the skull and its applied value]. Morphology. 2003;124(5):53-4. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Kornieieva MA. Osoblyvosti formuvannia pazukh osnovy cherepa ta yikh zv'iazkiv u rann'omu ontohenezi liudyny [Features of the formation of the sinuses of the skull base and their connections in the early human ontogenesis]. Tavricheskiy mediko-biologicheskiy. 2006;9(3 Pt 4):39-41. (in Ukrainian).

Ryabenko EB. Individual'naya anatomicheskaya izmenchivost' sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Individual anatomical variability of the dura mater sinuses]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 1998;1:59-62. (in Russian).

Riabenko EB. Kraniotopohrafichni osoblyvosti syhmopodibnykh synusiv ta yikh prykladne znachennia [Craniotopographic features of sigmoid sinuses and their applied significance] [abstract]. Kharkiv; 1998. 16 p. (in Ukrainian).

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Korneeva MA. Morfologicheskaya kharakteristika pazushno-venoznykh vzaimootnosheniy osnovaniya cherepa [Morphological characteristics of the axillo-venous relationship of the base of the skull]. Ukrains'kyi morfolohichnyi al'manakh. 2004;2(1):88-92. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Kornieieva MA. Vikova morfolohiia pazushno-venoznykh zv'iazkiv osnovy cherepa ta lytsia [Age morphology of axillary-venous connections of the skull and face base]. Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 2006;5(2):22-3. (in Ukrainian).

Kornieieva MA. Stanovlennia pazushno-venoznykh vzaiemovidnoshen' osnovy cherepa v rann'omu periodi ontohenezu liudyny [Formation of axillary-venous relationships of the skull base in the early period of human ontogenesis]. Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 2006; 5(1):57-60. (in Ukrainian).

Khyl'ko YuK. Syntopiia prystinnykh pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku liudyny v postnatal'nomu ontohenezi [Syntopia of the parietal sinuses of the dura mater of the human brain in postnatal ontogenesis]. Reports of Morphology. 2002;8(1):104-5. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Fominykh TA, Antoniuk OP. Budova pazukh tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky v prenatal'nomu periodi rozvytku liudyny [The structure of the sinuses of the dura mater in the prenatal period of human development]. Bukovinian Medical Herald. 2002;6(2):110-2. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Tkachenko DO, Budakov VS, Vovk VIu, Korzhan VA. Morfolohichni osoblyvosti venoznykh vzaiemovidnoshen' sklepinnia cherepa [Morphological features of venous relationships of the skull vault]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(1 Suppl):11. (in Ukrainian).

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Vovk YuN, Budakov VS, Aronov EG, Vovk VYu, Kovalenko AP, Andreeva IV. Osobennosti vzaimootnosheniy sosudov golovnogo mozga i tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Features of the relationship between cerebral vessels and the dura mater]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 1998;2:45-6. (in Russian).

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Khyl'ko YuK. Venozni pazukhy tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky zarodkiv liudyny na stadii 23 mm [Venous sinuses of the dura mater of human embryos at the stage of 23 mm]. Reports of Morphology. 2000;6(2):215-6. (in Ukrainian).

Vovk YuM, Pishak VP, Antoniuk OP. Pazukhy tverdoi mozkovoi obolonky v rann'omu ontohenezi liudyny [Sinuses of the dura mater in early human ontogeny]. Chernivtsi: Meduniversytet; 2006. 188 p. (in Ukrainian).

Fominykh TA. Ontogeneticheskie predposylki formoobrazovaniya venozykh sinusov tverdoy mozgovoy obolochki [Ontogenetic prerequisites for the formation of venous sinuses of the dura mater]. In: Aktual'ni problemy akusherstva i hinekolohii, klinichnoi imunolohii ta medychnoi henetyky. Kyiv-Luhansk; 2001. Issue 6. p. 222-6. (in Russian).

Vovk YuM, Antoniuk OP. Rozvytok pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku v rann'omu periodi ontohenezu liudyny [Development of sinuses of the dura mater in the early period of human ontogenesis]. Reports of Morphology. 2003;9(2):241-5. (in Ukrainian).

Antoniuk OP. Morfolohichni osoblyvosti struktur pazukh tverdoi obolonky holovnoho mozku embrioniv liudyny [Morphological features of sinus structures of the dura mater of human embryos]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi al'manakh. 2000;3(1 Suppl):4. (in Ukrainian).






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