
  • Д. Луцик

Ключові слова:

периферійний нерв; анастомоз


У роботі наведена методика накладання неврального анастомозу "кінець-у-бік" та пластики нерва іншим нервом. Описані основні етапи операційного втручання, переваги та недоліки різних видів знеболювання


McCalister WV, Cober SR, Norman A, Trumble TE. Using intact nerve to bridge peripheral nerve defects: an alternative to use of nerve grafts. J. Hand Surg. 2001;26A:315-25.

De Sa JMR, Mazzer N, Barbierri CH, Barreira AA. The end-to-side peripheral nerve repair. Functional and morphometric study using the peroneal nerve of rats. J. Neurosci. Methods. 2004;136:45-3.

Bontiotti E, Kanje M, Lundborg G, Dahlin L. End-to-side nerve repair in the upper extremity of the rat. J. Peripher. Nervous System. 2005;10(1):58-68.

Yan JG, Matloub HS, Sanger JR, Zhang LL, Riley DA, Jaradeh SS. A modified end-to-side method for peripheral nerve repair: large epineurial window helicoid technique versus small epineurial window standart end-to-side technique. J. Hand. Surg. 2002;27A(3):484-92.

Bontiotti E, Kanje M, Dahlin L. Regeneration and functional recovery in the upper extremity of rats after various types of nerve injuries. J. Peripher. Nervous System. 2003;8(3):159-68.

Kovacic U, Tomsic M, Sketelj J, Bajrovic FF. Collateral sprouting of sensory axons after end-to-side nerve coaptation – longitudinal study in the rat. Exper. Neurol. 2007;203:358-69.

Tarasidis G, Watanabe O, Mackinon SE. End-to-side neurorrhaphy: a long term study of regeneration in a rat model. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 1998;119:337-41.

Koh KS, Kim J, Kwun BD, Kim S. Hypoglossal-facial crossover in facial-nerve palsy: pure end-to-side anastomosis technique. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 2002;55:25-31.

Donzelli R, Maiuri F, Pecaet C. Microsurgical repair of the facial nerve. Zntrlbl. Neurochir. 2005;66:63-9.

Pienaar C, Swan MC, De Jager W, Solomons M. Clinical experience with end-to-side nerve transfer. J. Hand Surg. 2004;29B(5):438-43.

Kovacic U, Sketelj J, Bajrovic FF. Sex-related difference in collateral sprouting of nociceptive axons after peripheral nerve injury in the rat. Exp. Neurol. 2003;184:479-88.

Nozdrachev AD, Polyakov EL. Anatomiya krysy [Rat anatomy]. St. Petersburg: Lan'; 2001 463 р. (in Russian).

Aszmann OC, Korak KJ, Rab M. Neuroma prevention by endto-side neurorrhaphy: an experimental study in rats. J. Hand Surg. 2003;28A:1022-8.






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