
  • R. V. Senyutovych
  • O. I. Ivashchuk
  • A. O. Hontsa
  • M. A. Senyutovych
  • O. V. Chornyy



Ключові слова:

рак шлунка, гастректомія, способи


Представлений огляд дисертацій та патентів Росії щодо методів технічного удосконалення операції гастректомії. Перевага приділена методикам однорядного шва, компресійним анастомозам, клеєвим композиціям.


Abdalla Vael'. Ukrepleniye pishchevodno-kishechnykh anastomozov serozno-myshechno-podslizistym loskutom zheludka na sosudistoy nozhke (eksperimental'noye issledovaniye) [Strengthening the esophageal-intestinal anastomoses with a serious musculo-submucosal gastric flap on the vascular pedicle (experimental study)] [dissertation abstract]. Astrakhan; 2004. 14 p. (in Russian).

Abdulayev EM. Primeneniye fibrinovogo kleya v profilaktike nesostoyatel'nosti zheludochno-kishechnykh anastomozov [The use of fibrin glue in the prevention of insolvency gastrointestinal anastomoses] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2011. 17 p. (in Russian).

Antipov SA. Novyye tekhnologii khirurgicheskogo i kombinirovannogo lecheniya raka zheludka [New technologies of surgical and combined treatment of gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Irkutsk; 2010. 22 p. (in Russian).

Antonov ON. Fibrinovyy kley v profilaktike nesostoyatel'nosti anastomozov vysokogo riska v planovoy abdominal'noy khirurgii [Fibrin glue in the prevention of the failure of high-risk anastomoses in planned abdominal surgery] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2011. 18 p. (in Russian).

Gabrichidze PN. Antireflyuksnyy pishchevodno-tonkokishechnyy anastomoz v khirurgii raka zheludka [Antireflux esophageal-intestinal anastomosis in surgery of gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2004. 23 p. (in Russian).

Goryunov IV. Vybor sposoba rekonstruktsii posle gastrektomii u bol'nykh rakom zheludka [The choice of the method of reconstruction after gastrectomy in patients with gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. St. Petersburg; 2008. 22 p. (in Russian).

Guchakov RV. Sravnitel'naya otsenka metodov formirovaniya ezofagoyeyunoanastomoza [Comparative evaluation of the methods of formation of esophagojejunostom] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2008. 24 p. (in Russian).

Yegilev V.N. Odnoryadnyy nepreryvnyy shov anastomozov v abdominal'noy khirurgii [Single row continuous suture anastomoses in abdominal surgery]. Moscow: Medpraktika; 2002. 100 p. (in Russian).

Kaymakchi OYu. Kardioezofagial'nyy rak – sovremennyy podkhod k minimizatsii posleoperatsionnykh oslozhneniy [Cardioesophageal cancer - a modern approach to minimizing postoperative complications] [dissertation abstract]. Rostov-on-Don; 2005. 37 p. (in Russian).

Kanshin AN. Pishchevodno-kishchechnyy lassoanastomoz pri total'noy gastrektomii [Esophageal pistillate lassoanastomoz with total gastrectomy] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 1997. 18 p. (in Russian).

Kit OV. Antireflyuksnyy ezofagoyeyunoanastomoz v khirurgii raka zheludka [Antireflux esophagiojejunostomy in surgery of gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Rostov-on-Don; 2008. 16 p. (in Russian).

Kogan DL. Metodika vypolneniya laparoskopicheskoy subtotal'noy rezektsii zheludka i total'noy gastrektomii [Method for performing laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy and total gastrectomy] [dissertation abstract]. Ryazan; 2006. 18 p. (in Russian).

Koyshibayev AK. Sravnitel'naya otsenka efektivnosti standartnykh i rozshirennykh gastrektomiy [Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of standard and expanded gastrectomy] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2002. 24 p. (in Russian).

Konyukhov GV. Varianty tonko-kishechnoy plastiki pri gastrektomii po povodu raka [Options for small-intestinal plasty for gastrectomy for cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2006. 18 p. (in Russian).

Kudoshnikov VYu. Khirurgicheskaya profilaktika rannikh posleoperatsionnykh oslozhneniy gastrektomii u bol'nykh rakom zheludka [Surgical prevention of early postoperative complications of gastrectomy in patients with gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Ulyanovsk; 2012. 22 p. (in Russian).

Levitskiy OV. Osobennosti raspostraneniya limfogennogo metastazirovaniya i rezul'taty khirurgicheskogo lecheniya bol'nykh rannim rakom zheludka [Features of the dissemination of lymphogenous metastasis and the results of surgical treatment of patients with early gastric cancer] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2009. 24 p. (in Russian).

Mizin SP. Rol' i mesto yeyunogastroplastiki posle obshirnykh rezektsiy zheludka [The role and place of eunostoplasty after extensive gastrectomy] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2000. 17 p. (in Russian).

Osmonaliyev BK. Sravnitel'naya otsenka ligaturnogo i kompresionnykh sposobov formirovaniya pishchevodnokishechnykh anastomozov [Comparative evaluation of ligature and compression methods of the formation of the gastrointestinal anastomoses] [dissertation abstract]. Tyumen', 2010. 16 p. (in Russian).

Ospanov OB. Laparoskopicheskaya tekhnologiya vypolneniya anastomozov v abominal'noy khirurgii [Laparoscopic technology of anastomoses in abominal surgery] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2005. 24 p. (in Russian).

Plotnikov YeV. Formirovaniye kishechnogo rezervuara posle gastrektomii po Ru [Formation of intestinal reservoir after gastrectomy Roux] [dissertation abstract]. Tomsk; 2001. 17 p. (in Russian).

Rantsev MA. Profilaktika i lecheniye nesosotoyatel'neosti pishchevodno-kishechnogo anastomoza posle gastrektomii [] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 1996. 20 p. (in Russian).

Robak AN. Kompresionnyy tsirkulyarnyy shov pishchevodno-zheludochnykh anastomozov aparatom s efektom pamyati formy nikelida titana (klinicheskoye issledovaniye) [Compression circular suture of the esophago-gastric anastomoses with a device with a memory effect of the form of nickel-titanium (clinical study)] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2009. 24 p. (in Russian).

Sluvko LV. Sravnitel'naya otsenka sposobov formirovaniya pishchevodno-kishechnykh anastomozov [Comparative evaluation of methods for the formation of esophageal-intestinal anastomoses] [dissertation abstract]. Astrakhan'; 2004. 19 p. (in Russian).

Terekhov VM. Neposredstvennyye rezul'taty khirurogo licheniya s rasshirennoy limfodisektsiyaye d2-d25-d3 [Immediate results of rapid treatment with extended lymph node dissection d2-d25-dz] [dissertation abstract]. Nizhny Novgorod; 2009. 24 p. (in Russian).

Uvarov IB. Anastomozy pri gastrektomii i rezektsii zheludka [Anastomoses for gastrectomy and gastrectomy] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 2009. 32 p. (in Russian).

Yakovlev SI. Anastomozy v zheludochnoy khirurgii [Anastomoses in gastric surgery] [dissertation abstract]. Moscow; 1995. 17 p. (in Russian).

Napol'skikh VM, Demshin VV, inventors, Izhevsk State Medical Institute, assignee. Sposob gastroplastiki [Method of gastroplasty]. Russian Federation patent RU 2071276. 1999 Jun 07. (in Russian).

Zherlov GK, Koshel' AP, Klokov SS, Timashev YEA, Simonov AN, Zykov DV, inventors; Siberian State Medical University, assignee. Sposob yeyunogastroplastiki pri gastrektomii [The way neuropathroplasty with gastrectomy].Russian Federation patent RU 2121304. 1998 Nov 10. (in Russian).

Repin VN, Gudkov OS, inventors; Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, assignee. Sposob nalozheniya pishchevodno-rezervuarnogo anastomoza [The method of imposing esophageal-reservoir anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2123301. 1998 Dec 20. (in Russian).

Skotarev NP, Baryshev AG, inventors. Sposob formirovaniya pishchevodno-tonkokishechnogo anastomoza posle gastrektomii po povodu raka zheludka [The method of formation of the esophageal-intestinal anastomosis after gastrectomy for gastric cancer]. Russian Federation patent RU 2146499. 2000 Mar 20. (in Russian).

Kastakin VF, Bukharbayev RM, inventors; Rostov Research Institute Of Oncology, assignee. Ustroystvo dlya nalozheniya pishchevodnogo anastomoza [Device for the imposition of esophageal anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2189186. 2002 Sep 20. (in Russian).

Vozdvizhenskiy MO, Babayev AP, Savel'yev VN, inventors. Sposob pervichnoy yeyunogastroplastiki posle gastrektomii [The method of primary neurogastroplasty after gastrectomy]. Russian Federation patent RU 2189789. 2002 Sep 27. (in Russian).

Chernyavskiy AA, Abayev YeA,Chernyavskaya SI, Lavrov NA, inventors. Sposob vosstanovleniya pishchevaritel'nogo trakta posle gastrektomii [The way to restore the digestive tract after gastrectomy]. Russian Federation patent RU 2200478. 2003 Mar 20. (in Russian).

Lazarev AF, Fokeyev SD, inventors; Altai Cancer Center, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya pishchevodno-kishechnogo anastomoza [The method of forming the esophageal-intestinal anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2208401. 2003 Jul 20. (in Russian).

Sergeyev IV, Zaytseva MI, Zinov'yev DYu, Baulin NA, inventors. Sposob nalozheniya ezofagoyeyunoanastomoza pri gastrektomii [The method of blending esophagojejunostomy with gastrectomy]. Russian Federation patent RU 2234253. 2004 Aug 20. (in Russian).

Uvarov IB, Lyutov DA, Onopriyev VI, inventors; Russian Center for Functional Surgical Gastroenterology, assignee. Sposob tonkokishechnoy gastroplastiki posle gastrektomii [The method of enteric gastroplasty after gastrectomy]. Russian Federation patent RU 2262896. 2005 Oct 27. (in Russian).

Shoykhet YaN, Lazarev AF, Nechunayev VP, inventors; Altai State Medical University, assignee. Sposob operativnogo lecheniya kardioezofagial'nogoraka [The method of surgical treatment of cardioesophagic cancer]. Russian Federation patent RU 2288646(13)-s2. 2006 Dec 10. (in Russian).

Dambayev GTS, Gyunter VE, Dambayeva YEG, Tikhonov VI, Tikhonov AV, inventors; Dambayev GTS, Gyunter VE, Dambayeva YEG, Tikhonov VI, Tikhonov AV, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya kompressionno-klapannogo pishchevodno-tonkokishechnogo anastomoza [The method of forming a compression-valve esophageal-intestinal anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2296518. 2005 Nov 30. (in Russian).

Fokeyev SD, Fokeyeva YeS, inventors; Altai State Medical University, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya pishchevdnogo anastomoza [The method of formation of food anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2341205. 2008 Dec 20. (in Russian).

Bondar GV, Psaraz GG, Bondar AV, inventors; Bondar GV, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya kishchenogo anastomoza i zond dlya yego osushchestvleniya [The method of forming the predatory anastomosis and the probe for its implementation]. Russian Federation patent RU 2349270. 2009 Mar 20. (in Russian).

Bublikov ID, Kulikov YeP, invetors; Ryazan State Medical University, assignee. Sposob ezofagoenteroanastomoza [Method of esophagoenteroanastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2371120. 2009 Oct 27. (in Russian).

Baryshev AG, Kryzhanovskiy AA, Mednikova NV, inventors; State Institution Of Healthcare "Center Of Functional Surgical Gastroenterology", assignee. Sposob formirovaniya pishchevodno-tonkokishchenogo anastomoza pri khirurgicheskom lechenii kardioezofagial'nogo raka [The method of forming the esophageal-small intestinal anastomosis in the surgical treatment of cardioesophageal cancer]. Russian Federation patent RU 2391055. 2010 Jun 10. (in Russian).

Li IA, inventor; Li IA, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya areflyuksnogo pishchevodno-kishechnogo anastomoza [The method of forming areflux esophageal-intestinal anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2437623(s2). 2010 Aug 20. (in Russian).

Akhmetzyanov FSh, Borisov VP, inventors; Akhmetzyanov FSh, Borisov VP, assignee. Sposob pishchevodno-kishchenogo anastomoza [The way esophago-predatory anastomosis]. Russian Federation patent RU 2452412. 2011 Oct 20. (in Russian).

Shelton F, inventor; Etikon-Endoserzheri, assignee. Khirurgicheskiy apparat s vozmozhnost'yu zapisi [Surgical apparatus with recording capability]. Russian Federation patent RU 2464944. 2012 Oct 27. (in Russian).

Kushkhabiyev, inventor; the Kabardino-Balkar State University named after H.M. Berbekov, assignee. Sposob formirovaniya pishchepriyomnika i distal'noy chasti pishchevoda posle gastrektomii i rezektsii nizhnego otdela pishchevoda [The method of forming the food receptacle and the distal esophagus after gastrectomy and resection of the lower esophagus]. Russian Federation patent RU 2293526(13)-s2.2007 Feb 20. (in Russian).

Komkov AV, Sokolov AA, inventors; Komkov AV, Sokolov AA, assignee. Sposob formirovaniyakishechnogo anastomoza [Method of formation of intestinal anastomosis].Russian Federation patent RU 2387385.2010 Apr 27. (in Russian).

Kennet S, inventor; Etikon-Endoserzheri, assignee. Khirurgicheskiy instrument dlya nalozheniya skobok, soderzhashchiy napravlyayushchuyu privodimogo v deystviye elektroaktivnym polimerom sterzhnya zapuska, prokhodyashchuyu cherez sharnirnoye soyedineniye [The surgical instrument for stapling, containing a guide driven by an electroactive polymer trigger rod, passing through a hinge]. Russian Federation patent RU 2435533C2 . 2007 Feb 10. (in Russian).






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