
  • D. V. Pronyayev



Ключові слова:

операції, правостороння геміколектомія


Літературне дослідження присвячене аналізу класичної техніки виконання правосторонньої геміколектомії, її модифікації та можливих ускладнень.


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Bondar BM, Shestobuz SM, Brozhyk VL. Topohrafo-anatomichni oriyentyry v optymizatsiyi diahnostyky hostroho bryzhovoho limfadenitu u ditey [Topographic and anatomical landmarks in optimizing the diagnosis of acute erythema lymphadenitis in children]. Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 2002;1:21-2. (in Ukrainian).

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Bekishbekova ZhK. Morfo-funktsional'noye sostoyaniye nervnoy sistemy ileotsekal'noy oblasti posle kombinirovannoy rezektsii zheludka v eksperimente [Morpho-functional state of the nervous system of the ileocecal region after combined resection of the stomach in the experiment]. Zdravookhraneniye Kazakhstana. 1986;6:53-5. (in Russian).

Zhuchenko OS. Morfofunktsionalʹni osoblyvosti dylyatatsiynoyi bauhinoplastyky [Morphofunctional features of dilatational bouginoplasty]. In: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Conference Aktualʹni pytannya morfohenezu; 1996; Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi; 1996. p. 117. (in Ukrainian).

Bayeva IYU, Ariy YEG. Ostroye rasshireniye zheludka u bol'nogo posle appendektomii [Acute dilatation of the stomach in a patient after appendectomy]. Khirurgiya. 2002;4:80-1. (in Russian).

Shatalov SA, Kovalenko VH, Karamanyan AS, Fomynova NV. Appendéktomyya posle "Appendéktomyy” [Appendectomy after "Appendectomy"]. In: All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists Aktualʹni problemy klinichnoyi, eksperymentalʹnoyi ta profilaktychnoyi medytsyny; 2002; Donetsʹk; Donetsʹk; 2002. (in Ukrainian).

Tomashevsʹkyy MI, Hyulʹmamedov FI, Volkov VI. Pislyaoperatsiyni uskladnennya u khvorykh na vyrazkovyy kolit ta khvorobu Krona [Postoperative complications in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease]. In: Pyrih L, editor. Proceedings of the KH Konhres World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations; 2004 Aug 26-28; Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi; Kiev; Chicago: SFULT; 2004. 704 p. (in Ukrainian).

Muladze RB, Bakirov AA. Ezofagogastroplastika pri strikturakh [Esophagogastroplasty with strictures]. Annaly khirurgii. 2000:6:31-3. (in Russian).

Muladze RB, Bakirov AA. Total'naya ezofagoplastika fragmentami pravoy poloviny tolstoy kishki pri strikturakh pishchevoda [Total esophagoplasty with fragments of the right half of the large intestine with esophageal strictures]. Annaly khirurgii. 2000;5:17-20. (in Russian).

Cherkasov VA, Sribnykh SI. Dva nablyudeniya vospalitel'nykh opukholey ileotsekal'nogo otdela kishechnika [Two observations of inflammatory tumors of the ileocecal region of the intestine]. Vestnik khirurgii. 1999;158(2):81-2. (in Russian).

Kirilova NA. Perforatsiya cherveobraznogo otrostka inorodnym telom u rebenka [Perforation of the vermiform process with a foreign body in a child]. Detskaya khirurgiya. 1999;6:47-8. (in Russian).

Sozansʹkyy OM, Fohel PY, Doroshenko VF, Havrylyuk YAV, Tomych MV, Matsyura RYA. Endometrioz apendyksa [Endometriosis of the appendicus]. Proceedings of the Pershyy (XVII) zyizd khirurhiv Ukrayiny;1994; Lviv. Lviv; 1994. 432 p. (in Ukrainian).

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